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The Prodigal Sailor

The Prodigal Sailor

Naval Veteran Paul Bendt knows that he isn't the first person who started following Jesus in the U.S. Military-and he certainly won't be the last.

"I lived a pretty riotous life in the Navy." Despite growing up in the church, surrounded by the influence of the Bible, Paul's heart remained distant from God.

As the Latin proverb says, "In war, great events are caused by small things." And while serving in the Navy, the greatest change in Paul's life would come via the smallest of packages: a tiny Military Bible from American Bible Society.

Paul will tell you, however, that it's one thing to receive a new Bible. It's another thing to read it.

During his last months in the Navy, he answered the call to follow Christ. "That little New Testament from American Bible Society was still neatly tucked into the bottom of my sea bag," Paul remembers. "I hadn't seen it in nearly four years. One wonderful day in February of 1952, God's Spirit moved me to go get it and read it."

Paul still hasn't lost his tiny, life-changing treasure from American Bible Society-even with he and his wife, Annie, moving 20 times in 69 years of marriage!

Paul and Annie started purchasing American Bible Society Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs). "I liked charitable gift annuities because of their impact continued in perpetuity."

Not surprisingly, Paul is most excited to see the spiritual impact that his support is having in the U.S. Military. "If the gospel could do for another what it did for me, then it's worth the money."

You can obtain more information about CGAs and other gift planning options from American Bible Society's Regional Director in your area by calling our Gift Planning Office at 1-800-549-3328, or by visiting us at

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